So I had my sva test today, we hired a trailer from Southampton trailers and loaded the Tiger Avon up the night before and then parked it up on my parents drive overnight blocked in by another car. I didn't sleep well waking up about every hour throughout the night. I finally gave up at about 5am and got up, had a coffee and some toast and went round my parents. Once there I pulled off the tarpaulin had some more coffee and started her up (still on the trailer, I just wanted to reassure myself she would start ok before leaving). We left about just before 7am and drove a few miles to the test center, and then unloaded the car. We still had 45 minutes till the 8am test. At at 8 am I went in and announced my arrival, I then met Chris who was my tester.
First I warmed the engine up again outside the test station, then drove it in for the emissions test which I failed.
Because of the age of the engine I needed a cat, and at 2500 to 3000rpm your CO (carbon monoxide) needs to be under 0.2% which I passed, HC (unburnt hydrocarbons) needs to be below 200ppm (parts per million) I was 209ppm - fail and Lambda needs to be between 0.97 and 1.03, I was 1.21 - fail. Also at idle (450 to 1500rpm) your CO needs to be below 0.3 - I was 0.17 pass.
Next it was up on the ramps for a check around underneath, checking the brake lines and handbrake operation etc, all good.
Next it was back on the ground and the lights were tested, all was good apart from no warning light for the rear fog light, and the front indicators need spacing out as they are too far from the edge of the vehicle. Next we moved the car off the ramps for the field of view mirror test, a pass. Then we did the interior and exterior projections where the spheres came out - all I failed on was the dreaded front suspension, I had an unradiused edge (a note the front suspension is only tested from the front, not from above or behind). Next seat belts and anchorages were checked, all good. Then the brake test. The brakes are tested to make sure they will lock, and they are tested to make sure the front force is more than the rear at 5 different pedal forces. The results are fed into the computer later to see if its a pass. Next was the speedo test, I passed this but my speedo over reads. i.e. when my speedo reads 70 MPH the road speed is actually 60 MPH. If your speedo under reads however even by the smallest amount it is in instant fail.
Then the examiner had a quick drive around outside to test for self centering - a fail. The noise test was a pass but it will need to be rechecked after the cat is fitted.
Over all, Chris (Mr examiner) was helpful and fair, he was friendly, and offered advice on how to fix things (he let me adjust the headlight aim while i was on site). It was almost an enjoyable experience!