is usefull for questions and info/photos.....
as is
Here is a speedy run through of what I've done.....
Assembled rear suspension.... This went together quite easily, i needed to file the powder coating out of the holes to get the bolts through... The wishbones need to go round the right way, i ignored the weld on them and went by the slope of the tubes at the side (as in the book).
Then dismantled the back axle - this is off a ford sierra.
The diff - i cleaned it up with with a wire brush on a drill, and fairy liquid, it took some time but worked perfectly. did the same for the driveshafts, and sprayed them with red oxide primer and black gloss.
The CV boots needed replacing, i got a stretchy boot kit off eBay, that comes with a cone to stretch the small end of the boot over the end of the driveshaft - use some wd40 to help it slide over the cone.
Next i fitted new oil seals to the diff, and replaced the rear wheel bearings.... Put the diff in filled it with oil till it was level with the bottom of the driveshaft openings - get a flexible funnel or you'll be there all day - Then i cleaned up and painted the drums and back plates...
To fit the back plates to the uprights you need to grind the corners off the uprights - you will see where when you offer them up.
Push the driveshafts into the diff then put the back plates on then the then the hub carriers. I replaced the brake cylinders with new ones off eBay and got new brake shoes - off eBay - and new fitting kit - of eBay. Putting them together is tricky - if you are worried take a photo with a digital camera before dismantling. Then the hub and hub nut went on. Then the drums
The front steering and suspension was pretty much assembled.... all i needed to do was put the brake disks on and get some brake pads off eBay - the front brakes are off a Cortina - then on went the calipers with a fitting kit and shims - off EBAY!!!!
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